"Leading People and Organizations to Ideas
that Work"
Teamworks is a management consulting firm, established over 20 years ago,
that provides program design, leadership and organizational development,
and evaluation services to private and community foundations, corporations
and government. The firm uses a collaborative approach that emphasizes sharing
knowledge and building client capacity. Recent clients have included the
David and Lucile Packard Foundation, Fannie Mae Foundation, Rockefeller
Foundation, The San Francisco Foundation, and the William and Flora Hewlett
Renee A. Berger, the president and founder of Teamworks, is a national figure with over 30 years of consulting experience working in diverse communities and organizations. She is an author of books and monographs on organizational effectiveness, community development, and public-private sector relations, a frequent speaker at conferences, and guest lecturer at universities. Before establishing TEAMWORKS, Ms. Berger served as the director of partnerships for the White House Task Force on Private Sector Initiatives, and had served as a consultant for numerous organizations in the United States and abroad, including: Conference Board, German Marshall Fund, U.S. Conference of Mayors, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (Paris), Committee for Economic Development, Mott Foundation, and Urban Institute. Her accomplishments are recognized in Who's Who of American Women (l995-l996 edition).